Posts tagged Light
Redeeming Stories with Pennies

Worthless. Invaluable. Overlooked. Sadly, the same characteristics associated with this copper coin are the labels that many women today put on themselves. One organization, though, is on a mission to restore the dignity and worth of women, and their impact starts with a penny.

The Soteria Initiative was founded by Khue Paige as a jewelry company that give pennies a new purpose (on necklaces) and provides employment to women in Phoenix. Their goal? To empower women to break the cycle of abuse and exploitation -- because in their words "freedom is worth every penny". We couldn't agree more!

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Advent: The Light in the Darkness

As I step to the Christ candle on the Advent wreath, I light my candle, share the light with the ushers, and watch as the light travels along the rows, and gradually fills the room with light as we sing “Silent Night, Holy Night.”  It gives me joy in a way I can hardly describe, to see the faces of dear friends and strangers light up as we sing. There is so much darkness in the world, and I need the reminder, that Jesus, God with us, the light of the world, has come and will come again, and that the darkness will not win. 

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